I watched a lot of cartoons and movies. I draw incessantly and carry a sketchbook everywhere. I work in animation and self-publish my books. There are monsters in the streets, don't wear red. Mad bulls and monsters hate that color. I still watch cartoons.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Happy Turkey Day

Enrico drove our van down to L.A. with the Uesugi's and he couldn't resist taking a photo of Ralph Eggleston's "For The Birds" critter I have hanging on my rear view mirror. I took this one a few weeks earlier in my drive down to bring our framed work to Nucleus.

Driving down to L.A. It was just last weekend, three days ago to be exact, that I was in L.A. and now it's time to drive down there again. Meeting my mother and brothers at the gallery opening along with all old an new friends at Nucleus seemed like we had Thanksgiving precursor of sorts (Enrico even had birthday cake on the roof of Nucleus). These last months of the year always seem to zip by and we're all scheduled to the hilt. All of you travelling, have a safe and happy holiday weekend.

The Classic Blue. Acid-free, alternating bright white and ivoryl pages. Mine's a almost a year old and I've got just a few sections to go. Time to get new one for Christmas! I use the 6.5"x 8.5" size.

Where did you get that magical sketchbook? Enrico found this book one day when were were shopping at the Art Store to prep for San Diego. Since seeing his watercolors on those lovely pages (Ingre paper, man) I've been a devout convert and preach at length to anyone about the virtues of this lovely sketchbook: The Fabriano Classic Artist's Journal. I love it and carry mine everywhere I go. That, along with a compact watercolor set and plastic brush that has it's own reservoir of water and I'm set to document at a moment's notice. Below are a few links I've found to point those who's interested in acquiring one. Not shilling for these places, mind you (Vickerey's seem pricier). I bought mine in the Oakland Art Store, for those of you at the studio and wondering where to go that's close.

The Art Store


Blogger Michael said...

Holy cats! I must get one of those "For The Birds" critters! That is so awesome. Were they ever for sale, or is it just a Pixarians-only thing?
Mike Sheehan, Long Beach
(regular reader)

1:35 AM

Blogger Paul Tuller said...

Happy Thanks giving Ronnie! Gerin showed me one of those of the sketch books and I've been on the hunt for one ever since, alternating 2 colors in the pages is so cool! I don't know why but I'm in love with sketch books thanks for sharing the location

1:13 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

does that sketchbook work well with watercolor and marker or can you recommened one beside the fabrino sketch journal.

5:24 PM

Blogger Ronnie said...

Michael--I'm not sure now. You might be right that it's just sold at Pixar. I've not seen any since I first saw them, either. I'm hoping that once Pixar resolves it's future relationships with whomever merchandizing is on the meeting docket big time. I want some more toys.

Paul--Hey, buddy! That Art Store is just around the corner from our houses. If I see one I'll pick one up for ya, 'kay? I'm a sketchbook hog myself. I buy more than I use. Likely hording for when paper becomes very rare.

Seraph--you're welcome. I'll announce any lectures here on this blog.

Anonymous--most of the watercolor sketches I've posted on this blog were done on the Fabriano sketchbook. Watercolor takes so well to its pages. Don't mind the slight warping, it is after all done on site and quickly. We rarely, if ever, set out to make frameable work and if we're lucky to arrive at that then that's a lucky break.

Markers will bleed through and onto the next page. That, I'm guessing, is the "Classic" aspect of the book. Back in the day artists didn't have markers and consequently paper makers would not know to bolster their product for it. But all in all it's great for dry media and water based paints (I've not tried gouache or acrylic on the pages but it seems like it will hold those just fine).

Other recommendations? I've got to think about that one. Markers are tricky since some have the tendency to bleed through most papers. Other less toxic kinds bleed less but I'm not sure how they'll perform on the Ingre pages of the Fabriano sketchbook. You'll have to match the marker you like to use against the pages of a chosen sketchbook I guess. I'll mind this more and hope to come up with an opinion and some recommendations. Nothing soon though. Experimentation may take a while.

Happy sketching, all!


11:54 PM


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