I watched a lot of cartoons and movies. I draw incessantly and carry a sketchbook everywhere. I work in animation and self-publish my books. There are monsters in the streets, don't wear red. Mad bulls and monsters hate that color. I still watch cartoons.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Wondercon 'O7

Amy, Stuart and Steven hold up the freshly signed copies Enrico and I signed Thursday night as they were setting up.

My mistake, folks. When Stuart asked me about doing a live signing at his booth for Wondercon I was sure I had the date clear. I was wrong. I had a conflict! A wedding on Saturday and a trip to New York on Sunday. Man, I screwed up. And Stuart had announced our signing already! I was so mortified.

I will try to make it up to him. Along those lines, we signed copies of Three Trees Make a Forest Thursday night--the only signed copies of the book to be sold (signed by Enrico and I, that is. Tadahiro is back in Japan, natch). Stuart's offerings were already set up and ready for the throngs the next day. I had to shop.

Drop on by and check out them books!

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Blogger Sandra Khoo said...

I see a lot of things I want...but no cashola to support the need. :(

3:14 AM

Blogger Ronnie said...

I know what you mean. I get a huge surge of buying adrenaline.

Must...buy...all...books. Wallet says no.

Thanks for the post.


10:24 AM


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